A Life of Fear

4 Sep

Ok, this is, by far one of the wierdest and impractical fears of all time: The fear of everything. The technical term is Panophobia or Pantophobia. (Apon asking my friend what she thought of the above terms, she immediatly though that they had to do with the fear of pans and the fear of pants, which is incorrect. The fear of pants is actually called Pantaloonyphobia. I unfortunatly couldn’t find the fear of pans, my apologies.) Anyway, if you really were afraid of everything, you really wouldn’t be able to live. Basically, when you claim that you have Panophobia or Pantophobia, you are saying that you are afraid of the moss growing in between the sidewalks, the small bedside lamp on your nightstand, or that ridiculous hat sitting on the top of your shelf collecting dust. Come on! Get over yourself. I mean, some people have really bad fears, like Monophobia or Autophobia, which means that they can’t cope and survive without another person. Basically, these people cannot live in solitude, they are afraid of being alone. However, that fear is perfectly reasonable. A lot can happen to you if you are defenseless and alone.
Another fear that irritates the heck out of me is Misophobia or Mysophobia. If you have this, then you are afraid of germs and dirt in general. Some people only have a mild case of this, but others have an especially acute fear of germs and dirt. These unfortunate people will not touch other people and constantly wash their hands and use hand sanatizer, which kind of reminds me of people with OCD. Anyway, it just bugs me because there are germs all around you, even in the air you breathe, so this fear is really irrational. Plus the constant hand-washing can really dry out your hands and make them all dry and red, which is ultimatly just gross.

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