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Why Is It Snowing?

29 Oct

Ok, I am now convinced that the end of the world is approaching. Why, you may ask? Well, it’s snowing. And It isn’t even Halloween!! This is ridiculous. And it isn’t little itty-bitty snowflake fairies, its heavy snow pebbles. There is at least three inches of snow gathering on the lid of the garbage can and it’s really heavy. How in the world are people going to be able to go Trick-or-Treating when they are getting muddy snow in their shoes? It’s going to be freezing!

But enough about snow. I am now in the process of reorganizing my room. (a.k.a. the Great Cleanup.) My room was apparently a huge mess and needed to be cleaned completely. The only problem is, my room was what I called the den of organized clutter. It was a delicate balance of chaos and organization. Now, since I am putting everything in its rightful place, I feel as if the right side of my brain is getting swept in the corner. I ache for that chaos and messy paradise my room once was. But now, it is becoming a room of a left-brained straight-A student’s room.

I know, life is terrible, but I will find the strength to survive this terrible ordeal know to all as cleaning.

Word of the Week: Aquabob

29 Oct

Aquabob: n. an icicle

The one thing that irritates Santa Claus more than reindeer poop on his fancy sleigh paint-job is the presence of spiky aquabobs that create a drag on his ride’s lift.