An Apology and a New Monthly Plan

1 Nov

I just realized that I haven’t really posted a lot in these past few weeks. However, I have an excuse! Thursday is the end of the quarter and I am struggling to keep up my grades, especially Science and Math. But, it’s about to get worse for you readers. As you writers know, today is the start of NaNoWriMo. This means I will be occupied with writing my novel, and not my blog. I promise to keep up with the Word-of-the-Week, and I will post every sunday to let you know how my novel is coming along. But for now, I will not be posting daily until NaNoWriMo is over.

I hope you enjoy my writing, and my book will be updated daily on my second blog. I’ll be back soon!

Sincerely, thekreativekitty.

One Response to “An Apology and a New Monthly Plan”

  1. Nick November 5, 2011 at 2:10 pm #

    If u fail science I’m going to lock u in my locker for a day

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